Memes for People With the INTP Personality Type

Memes for People With the INTP Personality Type

Lifelong learners

INTPs are sponges when it comes to absorbing knowledge. They’re among the personality types most likely to be found browsing the internet and watching documentaries, and of course, they’re usually big readers of fiction and nonfiction books. The whole world captures their interest and they often want to learn everything there is to know. They can get a bit frustrated if you interrupt them with mundane things!


INTPs are shy and reserved, especially at first. They’re not really touchy-feely and they might be uncomfortable with physical contact. This can sometimes make interactions with friendly extroverts a bit awkward. Sometimes they deliberately keep the world at a distance because they fear rejection.

If you’re a Logician, you make an effort to take the first step and connect at least some of the time—particularly when you’re in new surroundings—or you risk becoming a bit isolated. The good news is that INTPs tend to warm up and let their unique personalities shine once they get to know others properly.


INTP personalities see shades of gray on any given topic. They also perceive a multitude of ways of solving problems and they’re generally tolerant, flexible people. Open-mindedness is one of their defining characteristics, but it can also hinder them; they might find it difficult to reach definite conclusions or make decisions.

INTPs can develop “analysis paralysis” where they keep analyzing all the possible courses of action they could take—and at times of great stress, a Logician might also become mired in the past, mulling over memories and hoping they won’t make a past mistake again. If indecision is something you’re struggling with as a Logician, give yourself a break; go and get some fresh air or exercise and return to the problem with a clearer head.


INTPs are intelligent and imaginative, but like many people who live inside their own minds, they tend to be a bit absent-minded. General untidiness is one obvious thing that sets the Logician apart from fellow intuitive thinkers, the INTJ. Both types are great strategists, but whereas the INTJ builds their day around routines and rituals, the INTP is surrounded by clutter.

Nothing’s wrong with having an easygoing attitude to chores—in fact, it's quite common in creative people. But if INTPs let things get on top of them too much, living in a chaotic environment or constantly failing to meet their work deadlines might leave them feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, and unable to perform to their full potential. Wall planners, to-do lists, timetables, and diaries are invaluable when it comes to bringing some order into this personality type.

Logic over emotions

Although INTPs can be amazingly perceptive when it comes to spotting patterns and analyzing information, they frequently struggle to understand their own emotions and those of other people. This makes personal relationships difficult at times; sometimes this personality type needs to learn to go with the flow and accept that feelings are not a problem they can solve using their typical toolset. It’s a cliche, but as this meme shows, love can’t be quantified.


INTPs genuinely value and care about their friends, but complex social situations are not their strong suit and they might become bemused or irritated by drama or strong emotions in their workplace or friendship group. This can make them seem a bit aloof and detached. The good news, however, is that INTPs are rarely two-faced or cliquish.

Embracing the unexpected

Personality-wise, the Logician is on the cooler side, but it would be a mistake to think INTPs are robots with nothing interesting to offer others. They bring quirkiness and unexpected surprises to any relationship. They have a huge range of interests and they’re always learning new things. They frequently come at an issue from left field and they often shake up other people’s ideas and preconceptions.

Hidden depths

Logicians often spend time alone, but when you’re an INTP, life is never dull. Logicians are very complex people who have a deep and rich inner life; their minds are simply buzzing with ideas.


INTPs are reserved and easy going, but don’t mistake them for pushovers. They sometimes have a surprisingly dry and scathing wit, particularly when their buttons are pushed. Irony and sarcasm can also be a defense mechanism when they’re dealing with bad situations. At times, they may have to rein this in or risk being seen as prickly.

A great combination

Being an INTP has its positives and negatives, but on the whole, it’s a pretty amazing personality type to have. Logicians have a deep thirst for knowledge and endless curiosity, combined with a vibrant imagination—and if they believe in themselves they can accomplish amazing things. If you’re an INTP don’t sell yourself short; you’re among the deepest thinkers and most insightful personalities.

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