What Personality Types are INTPs Compatible With?

What Personality Types are INTPs Compatible With?

People with the INTP personality type—sometimes referred to as “The Logician”—have introverted (I), intuitive (N), thinking (T), and perception (P) personality traits. They love to use their creativity and intellect to perfect every aspect of their life, including their dating life.

INTPs tend to be very independent and introverted people, but they do let others into their life when they find a partner who they deem can match their high level of intellect. They also don’t place much importance on the usual dating rituals that take place between potential partners as they deem them frivolous. For these reasons, they can often struggle to find the perfect partner.

When in relationships, INTPs love to have their own space and time to explore their own interests. When looking for a potential partner they pay closer attention to people who are also independent.

In this post, we discuss which personality types the INTP is best suited for and then further discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of people with the INTP personality trait when they’re in relationships.

The best matches

Let’s start by discussing the personality types an INTP is best suited for. These include:

  • Other INTPs
  • INTJ (The Mastermind)
  • INFP (The Healer)
  • ENTP (The Visionary)

People with these personality types are much more likely to have similar values, interests, and world views to the INTP, which means they are more likely to get on well and be attracted to them.

Because INTPs are very steadfast in their beliefs, they won’t agree on everything with people with these personality types, but they’ll find some common ground in many areas of life.

Similar, but different

The next best matches for the INTP include:

  • ISTP (The Craftsmen)
  • INFJ (The Counselor)
  • ENTJ (The Commander)
  • ENFP (The Champion)

When INTPs meet people with these personality types, they often recognize similarities with themselves but also notice some differences, which can intrigue them. If they get into a relationship with people with these personality types, they often have enough similar interests to keep them both engaged, but the differences offer the opportunity for respectful debate.

Some things in common

INTPs can also be compatible with personality types where they have some things in common but also quite a few differences. These include:

  • ISTJ (The Inspector)
  • ISFP (The Composer)
  • ESTP (The Dynamo)
  • ENFJ (The Teacher)

When INTPs meet people with these personality types, they won’t necessarily feel an immediate connection. But over time and once they get to know them better, they discover that they do have some things in common. If an INTP likes to have a partner that challenges them and offers different points of view on topics, these personality types could be very compatible.

Opposites attract

Sometimes INTPs can strike up good relationships with people who have opposite personality traits to them. This isn’t very common, but it does happen. The personality types that fit this description include:

  • ISFJ (The Protector)
  • ESTJ (The Supervisor)
  • ESFP (The Performer)
  • ESFJ (The Provider)

When INTPs get into relationships with people with these personality types, conflicts often arise due to their different personality traits. Some INTPs don’t mind this as it provides them with the chance to grow and learn new perspectives, while for others, it can cause relationships to break down very quickly.

INTP strengths when in a relationship

They’re honest. INTPs don’t like dishonesty and value objectivity. When in a relationship, they’re likely to be very honest with their partner even if it causes discomfort.

They’re loyal. INTPs are known to be very faithful partners who value loyalty. They take great care when deciding who to partner with and once they find one, they stay faithful.

They have genuine emotions. INTPs don’t always know how to express their emotions, but they have very genuine and pure feelings, so you can be sure they’re sincere.

They’re adventurous. Most INTPs enjoy trying new things and love to ensure their relationship is kept exciting and interesting.

They’re not demanding. INTPs value their independence and do most things on a daily basis for themselves. If you partner up with an INTP, they won’t be very demanding.

They can handle conflict. INTPs don’t mind getting criticism and can handle conflict in relationships when it arises. They don’t like unnecessary arguments and logically think through most situations.

INTP weaknesses when in a relationship

They don’t always understand others. Many INTPs struggle to read and understand other people’s emotions. They make decisions using logic and therefore, don’t understand people who rely on their emotions when making decisions.

They can be distrustful. Sometimes INTPs can take a long time to develop complete trust in a relationship. This is especially true if they have had trust issues in previous relationships.

They can be eccentric. INTPs are very creative and have unique ways of expressing themselves. When misunderstood, this can cause conflict in a relationship.

They can be disorganized. INTPs dedicate a lot of their time and thoughts to their ideas, which can sometimes mean they forget about or don’t pay much attention to simple day-to-day tasks like household chores. This can cause conflict in a relationship if not properly addressed.

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