Famous People With the INTP Personality Type

Famous People With the INTP Personality Type

INTPs usually have a deep passion for knowledge for its own sake, along with amazing tenacity and dedication to their work. Many of the people on the list below (rumored to be Logicians) made progress and became household names because they exemplified these traits. Like typical INTPs, they were also not afraid to break the mold and challenge pre-existing ideas.

Mathematics and science

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Albert Einstein was the most famous scientist of the 20th century, and one of the greatest thinkers the world has ever seen. Einstein is known for his general theory of relativity, and after WWII he also became involved in anti-war and humanitarian work. Like many INTPs, Einstein was also a gifted musician.

Alan Turing (1912-1954)

Alan Turin was the brilliant English mathematician who gave his name to the Turing test and cracked the German Enigma code during WWII. Turing was also famously subjected to cruel treatment in a bid to “cure” him of homosexuality. He was said to be eccentric and reserved by those who knew him well. Turing also had a deep passion for science.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Author of On the Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin put the biological world in order with his theory of evolution. Darwin was a gifted naturalist, biologist, and geologist.

Richard Dawkins (1941-)

British evolutionary biologist and author, Richard Dawkins, is one of the best-known atheist thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuries, and a critic of creationism and intelligent design.

Marie Curie (1867-1934)

Marie Curie was a groundbreaking Polish/French scientist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the only one to ever win two. As a student, she studied mathematics, chemistry, and physics at the University of Paris. in true INTP fashion, sometimes she worked so hard that she forgot to eat.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

The Italian astrologist, physicist, and engineer is considered the father of modern science. It was Galileo who invented the telescope and confirmed the Copernican idea that the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth. Galileo was passionate about knowledge and persevered in his own ideas, although they came into conflict with the teachings of the church at the time.

Philosophers and Thinkers

Many famous philosophers are considered to be Logicians. This personality type is one of the best at trying to find meaning in our existence, unclouded by emotion.

Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)

German-Jewish author, philosopher, and Holocaust survivor, Arendt is considered one of the most important thinkers post-WWII. She wrote extensively about power and morality, and is known for coining the phrase, “the banality of evil.”

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Kant is the influential Enlightenment philosopher who believed that reason was the source of all morality.

Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

One of the founders of modern philosophy, Descartes was also a mathematician, a scientist, and the creator of the field of analytic geometry.

John Locke (1602-1704)

Locke was an English philosopher and physician, known as one of the “fathers of liberalism.”

Henri Poincare (1854-1912)

Poincare was a French mathematician, theoretical physicist, engineer, and philosopher.


INTPs are not feel-good writers, but they tend to construct stories well and they delve deep into their rich imaginations as they write. They’re particularly prolific in genres like science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

Stephen King (1947-)

Prolific American horror writer Stephen King, author of books including Misery and The Green Mile, is widely believed to be INTP. Eccentric, imaginative, and thoughtful, his ability to see all sorts of different possibilities has stood him in good stead.

Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)

This Argentine essayist, short story writer, and poet is a celebrated wordsmith. He’s considered one of the main inspirations for the magical realist literature that became popular in South America in the 20th century. His most famous works are Fictions and The Aleph.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

Lewis Carroll is an English author, poet, and mathematician, whose interest in the nature of reality made it into some of his most famous works, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Like many INTPs, Carroll was preoccupied with logic, but he also delighted in the absurd.

TS Eliot (1888-1965)

This British-American poet, essayist, and playwright is famous for bringing a wide selection of disparate ideas together in his work.

Terry Pratchett (1948-2015)

Terry Pratchett is a celebrated fantasy author, who is best known for the Discworld series of books. Pratchett draws on his extensive knowledge of philosophy, literature, history, and mythology to create his comic novels.

Politicians and Public Figures

INTPS tend to be less drawn to the political sphere—they might be put off by the perception that it’s too superficial. INTPs don’t want to waste time winning votes, dwelling on public relations, or impression management; they would rather dive straight into solving problems and generating solutions.

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

The 16th President of the United States, who abolished slavery, is believed to be an INTP. Lincoln was self-educated and an avid reader, and throughout his life, he loved learning.

Edward Snowden (1983-)

The mysterious whistleblower who leaked highly classified information from the NSA in 2013, prompting a cultural debate around privacy, is believed to be a Logician. Like a stereotypical INTP, Snowden clearly values the truth.

Actors and Musicians

Logicians are a reserved bunch. There aren’t many INTP performers out there, but the ones who are around tend to make an impression. They often have a uniquely quirky, intellectual way of seeing the world that translates into their art. Here are some rumored INTP celebrities:

Woody Allen (1935-)

This controversial Academy Award-winning American writer, actor, and movie director is famous for his neurotic, oddball characters.

Rowan Atkinson (1955-)

Rowan Atkinson is a British actor who portrayed the comic characters Blackadder and Mr. Bean.

Martin Freeman (1971-)

Freeman is a British actor, famous for appearing in The Office and the movie adaptation of JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit.

Elliot Page (1987-)

Elliot Page is a Canadian actor and activist, best known for his starring roles in Juno and The Umbrella Academy.

Robert Fripp (1946-)

Songwriter, record producer, and musician, Robert Fripp, was the founder of the progressive rock band King Crimson.

M.I.A. (1975-)

British-Tamil artist, rapper, record producer, and activist. M.I.A. is known for her down-to-earth persona and the way she incorporates political imagery and themes into her work.

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